Towards Net Zero: Sustainability Efforts in a Hot Glass Studio

How can a hot glass studio attempt to reach anything like net zero?
It’s been a.
It’s been a question that’s been on the back of the back of my mind
now for well over a year.
So if you’re interested in learning what we’ve.
What we’ve implemented in the background here in the Hot Glass Studio
and. And what we’re doing
to try and see if you can do anything to achieve net zero,
I’ll be giving a talk this Saturday and Sunday
late in the afternoon here at Stourbridge Glass Museum.
Come along and find out.
The electric furnace, I’ll be talking a little bit about that,
certainly going in a little bit further detail about the.
The layer that we’ve got in the background
and also the electric reheating chamber.
Talking a little bit about their consumption,
how their carbon footprint compares to that of their gas equivalents
and. And what we’ve been doing to reduce our carbon footprint
over the last 18 months. Well worth listening to. Come along.