Mastering the Three Stances in Black Mvwukong: Smash, Pillar, and Trust

It’s important to understand the three stances in Black Mvwukong.
You start with the smash stance,
the only stance that can charge the heavy attack while moving
and even sprinting, and you can also,
during a light attack combo,
do a heavy attack with the resolute counterflow skill
and then ignore the enemy’s move and do a strong attack yourself.
The pillar stance is more defensive,
letting you perch on your staff avoiding enemy attacks,
and it also has an AoE attack
when you do the heavy attack during a light attack combo.
The trust stance has a long ranged heavy attack,
amazing for far away and flying enemies.
If in the light attack combo you press the heavy attack button,
you dodge out of the way, press the heavy attack button again,
and you follow up with a powerful strike.
This stance also has the rolling trust
that lets you continuously hit an enemy
by holding the light attack button
after a heavy attack. Or that tactical retreat,
a forceful trust dodge attack I just mentioned.