Decluttering My Closet: Donating 170 Pieces of Clothing to Nourish Phoenix

I’ve been holding on to way too many clothes,
so I’m passing these on to people who could really use them.
After going through my entire closet,
I ended up with just under 170 pieces of clothing.
34 long sleeve shirts, 87 short sleeve shirts,
27 pairs of pants, and 19 pairs of shorts.
That’s a reality check
if you’ve ever wondered how much your closet you actually wear.
Some stuff doesn’t fit my style anymore
and some just didn’t fit in general.
But if you’re like me, you probably hold on to things for that
one in a million chance you’ll wear it one day.
After boxing everything up,
I searched around a few Reddit threads
to find the best place to donate to locally
and came across nourish Phoenix.
They provide clothing to individuals and families in need for free,
so hopefully
half my closet finds its way to a few new homes that really need it.