Transforming in Three Weeks: The Lazy Girl Fitness Journey with a Vibration Plate

Three weeks, you guys.
That is all it took for me to see results
with using my vibration plate.
Maybe I’m crazy. Maybe I’m delulu.
I don’t know whatever word you call it these days.
However, the pink shorts was at the very end of July,
and the yellow shorts was last week.
That is a difference, if you ask me.
Now, did I feel better before three weeks?
Abso freaking lutely I did.
I was sleeping better. I’m not as sore anymore.
My mood is improved. However, visually,
that is a three week visual result.
Not going to the gym, not doing anything crazy.
Simply standing on my vibration plate twice a day for 15 to 20 minutes.
I truly believe this is the simplest workout you could ever do.
So if you are looking for lazy girl fitness, this is your product.