Fun Word Association Game: From Toy Store to Room Spray

Or do I say dog? Yeah.
Okay. Toy. Toy shop.
Toy store.
Okay, that was good,
but no, it’s close.
Toy shop. No,
but like count how many spaces there are.
Store. Yeah,
toy store. What?
What could, what could be really similar,
but not the same. Toy store.
Ha ha ha. You got it.
You got it. Toy store. Story.
Yes. Story book. Book. Yes.
Okay, next one.
Worm. Book worm.
Yes. Okay.
Like a type of worm? No,
no, I wouldn’t do that.
I don’t even know types of worms.
Um, tarantula
I thought you were gonna get it then.
so close, but look how many letters there are.
Treatment. Yes.
Alright. Treatment.
Mm. Yes.
Ha ha ha. Room shine.
I remember what it is. Room.
No. What?
What’s a room shine?
Ha ha. You don’t know?
Oh, sorry.
It’s an essential for any home,
clean home room spray. Yes.