Three Reasons to Choose the University of Kent for Computer Science: A Student’s Perspective

If you’re a first year computer science student
and you’re looking for a university to study computer science,
I recommend you come to the university of Kent.
Hi, my name is Sean.
I am currently a second year computer science student
at the university of Kent
and I’m gonna be giving you 3 reasons
why I think you should come to Kent.
If you’re studying computer science,
the No. 1 reason is the data structures and algorithms.
Now, obviously
computer science is way more than just data structures and algorithms.
There’s a lot of math, there’s a lot of logic,
there’s a lot of that comes into computer science.
But the reason why I say can’t for data structures and algorithms
is that in the first year,
they make sure you understand your data structures and algorithms
to a very good and fundamental level
before they actually take you onto next level stuff.
Now, the data structures and algorithms I’m talking about,
for example, first in,
first out, which is a queue.
First and last out is a stack.
So think of the queue like a queue of people going to McDonald’s,
for example. The first person that’s at the beginning of the.
At the end of the queue. Sorry,
not the. Not the end.
The beginning of the queue is the first person that’s gonna come out.
And then a stack. You think of it like a stack of books, right?
You put a, um,
a book on a Table. You put another book on a table.
The book that you just put on the table
is gonna be the first one that comes out.
And then the one that you put initially
is gonna be the last one that comes out.
These are like the fundamental data structures you learn.
We also learn about graphs,
so we learn about how to model certain problems as, um,
a graph. So adjacency list and adjacency matrix.
I haven’t really used adjacency matrix.
I like a lot in my programming.
I mostly use adjacency lists and I modelled them using a hash map.
That’s another data structure you learn about.
Used to learn about hash maps,
hash sets. You also learn how to traverse these uh,
um, graph like structures,
like for example, a binary search tree,
which is just a type of graph.
You learn how to use BFS, DFS.
So BFS, you traverse to your neighbours
and then you check the neighbours of your neighbour
and you like, you traverse it in a breadth way where in a um,
depth way. You’re going.
You’re going down, you’re going depth.
So you’re um, going down all your neighbours on one particular path.
You come back to your root
and then you go down to all your neighbours on another path,
for example. You learn.
They make sure you understand these algorithms
and when I was in first year,
I was able to understand it really,
really well, allowing me to Solve most Lego problems really easy
because I was able to understand the underlying how to.
I knew how to picture it in my brain.
Cause if you don’t understand how the underlying data structure works
or how the algorithm works,
you won’t be able to picture it in your brain. Therefore,
therefore you won’t be able to solve the problem. Ken.
They also made sure we understand,
like our linear data structures,
so linked list, erase.
And I think
talking about every single data structure and algorithm
you learn in Ken is a bit of a Bose.
So I’m gonna stop there for now.
Second reason I think you should come to Kent
is because the teachers here are really good.
First off, the programming language we use a lot in Kent is, um, Java.
Well, this is first year.
We use Java a lot. We use Java Script,
P H P. These are languages I’m really proficient with
and my teachers helped me to get to that level.
But we use Java mostly. And um,
with Java we actually have a.
The author of objects, first book with David Bonds and Lisa Davis.
These people are really good at using Java.
They’ve been using Java before I was even born.
So these people, they’re there to help you out.
Like, these are literally.
They’re there in person.
You can ask them as much questions as you want about Java.
When I came to Kent, I knew nothing about Java coming out,
I’m literally a veteran. Like, it’s.
The school is really good if you.
If you know what you wanna do with yourself,
with yourself. In, um,
university of Kent for computer science.
The. The teachers are there to help you.
Like, literally ask them any question,
these people will answer you day and night.
Like, they’re there to help you.
They want to help you. So KEN is really good for, like,
learning how to program. And the resources are there,
the library, so many resources.
You can learn so much about computer science.
I’m there all the time, always reading books.
I’ve read a lot of books from computer about Go Lang.
That’s like, I got my books there for free.
And you literally spend some time in the library,
you can read about go, just learn about anything you want.
KEN is a school where you can learn as much as.
If you wanna learn, you can learn as much as.
As much as you want. I know so much now just because I went to KEN.
It’s crazy. And the third reason why I think you should come to Ken,
which is the most important reason,
is the environment. Now,
the environment in which you study with
is gonna affect your outcome at the end of the day.
Hence, environment is filled with a bunch of friendly people
which are welcoming and also willing to learn just like you.
So especially in The computer science, um, society.
I’ve met so many people who are even 10 times a programmer than.
Than I am, and trust me,
I’m a really good programmer.
These people are. They teach me things I don’t even know.
Right. So you’re surrounded by people who are willing to learn
and also are willing to help you learn.
And everyone there is just friendly.
And I feel like if you come to school where everyone is,
is friendly and is willing to learn,
and it kind of changes you,
it makes you feel welcome and you wanna do better if you go.
I mean. So KEN is a really good school
and this was. I wasn’t paid to do this.
This is just my honest truth
because I have been to the school,
I can tell you how it’s been
and computer science studying here.
I’ve learnt so much. I remember before I came to Ken,
I couldn’t even solve, like the easy link link list questions.
And now look at me. Like, it’s.
It’s crazy. Like
they make sure you understand what you’re doing
before you get to the next level.
And these teachers are so talented.
Like, they know what they’re teaching,
they know what they’re doing.
So, yeah,
if you wanna study computer science,
come to Kent guys, and I’ll see you guys
if you guys do come. If you aren’t doing computer science,
I’ll probably gonna be like some of the societies.
Uh, see you Guys and peace have a hope.
You have a good day. Peace