Unveiling 5 Hard Truths About Digital Marketing: Tips and Tricks from a TikTok Expert

I’m probably gonna get some heat for this
but that’s okay I’m about to drop 5 hard truths about Digital Marketing
that you guys are more than likely being lied to about
for you guys that don’t know me
hi my name is Sasha
I’ve generated over $70,000 right here on TikTok since March
and I’m dropping all my tips and tricks on how I do it
and I’m helping you guys get started as a complete beginner
with that being said there’s no gatekeeping here
and there’s no lying for sales
like so many other people on this app unfortunately do
so the
here are five things that you need to know
while getting started in digital marketing
that more than likely are not gonna be told to you
number one this is not a get rich quick stream
you are going to invest into an education
or you are gonna invest in whatever you want your product to be
and it’s gonna take some time okay
before your first sale and that’s okay
you might hit the luck of the draw
and you might get your first sale within the couple hours
it’s normal for it to take a little bit of time before you make that first sale
number two it’s not an overnight success type of a situation
and the for the ones that do get that overnight success
you’re not seeing all that back end hard work
they’re putting in all the hours
all the conversations all the posts
all the email marketing you’re not seeing all that guys
so therefore it might be overnight success for some people
but there’s some work being put into it
number three if you’re not being consistent
then this is probably not for you okay
consistency is key across all social media platforms
whether you’re just trying to grow your platform
whether you’re trying to make a sale
whether you’re a small business
I don’t really care what it is
consistency is key okay
you have to show up each and every single day for your product
for your business for your platform
whatever it might be No.4
you have to network okay
you can just show up and expect people just to buy from you
you have to have those conversations
you have to engage with your following
you have to go live and speak about your products
or you have to continuously post videos about your products
you have to constantly drive traffic to whatever you are offering okay
and at the end of the day
if you’re not conversating and making relationships with these people
they’re not gonna trust in you enough to purchase from you in the first place
number five which is a huge thing for me
is you have to invest in the right education okay
you have to decide what you want your platform to be known for
what part of digital marketing you wanna be in
and how you wanna do it
you have to find some type of an education that is going to fit your wants
in your needs okay
you can’t just buy in any program
and think you’re gonna have all this success with it
it has to be a good program or it’s not gonna sell in the first place
in the end you have to find the best fit and the best community for you
in order for you to get to where you wanna be
so with all of this being said
this is what I’m here for guys
I am here to get you started on this journey
for you to enter into this wonderful digital marketing world
and actually see some success after some time
I don’t care if you’re a complete beginner
I don’t care if you already have a program and you just haven’t made any sales
I don’t care if you are just tired of being broke
and trying to make money online
I will help you navigate through this and get you started
go grab the freebies from the link in my bio
and let me know if you have any questions