Effective Communication Strategies for Reaching Out to Admirable Individuals: Tips for Success

So very quickly today,
I want to teach you how to get whatever you want from somebody
that you admire. Well,
maybe not whatever you want,
but if you really, really want something bad enough
and you need to reach out to somebody and get their attention
and get them to do it for you,
this is the right way to do it.
And the reason why I’m making this video
is because I have noticed that a lot of Gen Z people
and Gen Z buddies generally
do not know how to communicate with people that they respect
or look up to. The first tip that I have for you is to not beg.
Don’t go to somebody from the position of a beggar.
Don’t write them two paragraphs or three paragraphs
or even three sentences saying, please,
this is my situation,
help me with this or this is the problem I’m having,
help me. Just the idea of your hand being like this
and theirs being like this is going to turn a lot of people off
and they are not going to want to offer you anything.
So that message that you’ve composed
where you are trying to beg for something,
that email, delete it,
start over. This is something
anyone who has read the 48 laws of power would understand.
But if you want to get something from somebody,
whether they are on the same level as you
or you think they’ve achieved something in life,
It’s important for you to offer value as opposed to begging.
A great example would be, hi Kegan,
uh, I need a job.
I’m trying to do my N, y,
s, C.
I need a place to do my P, P, a.
Please help me. I’m looking forward to your favorable response.
That is you begging for something.
You’re asking for something.
There’s like
2,000 or 3,000 other people who are asking for the same thing
or something similar.
You are just going to be lumped with all those people.
But somebody else who reaches out and says,
oh, I watched so,
so so video
or I watched your stories and I noticed that you weren’t doing this
or this wasn’t being done
or this is something I’m actually really,
really good at and I can help you with.
Here’s how I can help you solve it.
Do you think we could have a conversation about this?
Every single person that I have hired for a job
or I have given a permanent position at Kantech Enterprises
who I didn’t physically seek out and they got to work here
was because they solved a problem
for me. Solving problems is the greatest way to hold people’s attention
if you want their attention.
And this is the third tip,
but potentially the most important.
You need to get rid of your sense of entitlement.
There’s a lot of people, and I’m so sorry to say this,
but it’s the truth there
Are so many people who believe because I’m a fine girl,
you should respond to me or give me your attention.
I would appreciate it if you spoke to me
just because I look a certain way
and I asked you to.
That sense of entitlement,
put it in the dustbin.
When you want to speak to somebody who you want something from,
you don’t speak from a place of entitlement. Just
be polite. Act like you have home training
and they actually taught you well in your house.
The unfortunate thing about entitlement is it almost always guarantees
if you’re speaking to somebody who has alpha brain,
they will never give you what you’re asking for.
So try and be a little more mindful,
be a little more demure,
be a little more cutesy when you’re trying to communicate with people.
Don’t be entitled. Don’t beg.
Reach out and actually offer the solution to a problem.
Solve a problem for them. And I am pretty sure if the person has sense,
they will actually reach out back and maybe
at least have a conversation.
Even if it doesn’t eventually work out,
at least you got the attention you wanted
and you can learn from that experience
and figure out what you did right,
what you did wrong, what you could do better next time going forward
so that you can actually get the next opportunity. You’re welcome.