Title: A Pastor’s Perspective on Judgement, Love, and Controversial Topics

And, pastor,
do you consider homosexuality to be a sin?
Oh, man,
great question. You know,
I think, um.
That’s just awesome. I think God’s the judge.
I think god is the judge. I’m not the judge.
I don’t. I don’t decide,
um, who’s.
Who’s going to heaven, who’s going to hell.
I think that I have been given a job here on earth,
and that is to love, you know,
that’s just to love people.
To love the hell out of them.
Right. And, um.
Yeah, man, I.
I just. We got people coming into our church all the time from.
From all kinds of places, serving on leadership in all different areas,
from all different backgrounds,
and I just. I just don’t decide those things.
I think god does. That’s great.
Oh, and what about Catholics?
Oh, straight to hell.
Yeah, they go straight to hell. Mm hmm.