Navigating the AI Content Landscape: Insights from Polls and Growing Trends

several weeks ago I put a poll up on my newsletter
asking people what is the type of content they love
and out of 342 responses by far the top three buckets were chatGPT prompts
AI automations and AI tools tutorials
and just the other day I launched a new poll with only 35 votes so far
but the number one result is make money with AI
followed by chatGPT prompts
AI automations how to use AI tools
as well as content creation tips
there’s no way a single AI influencer
like me is gonna be able to address all of the things that people want to learn
think about a single AI tool
one AI tool might have 20 different use cases
multiplied by 10 different industries
so if you’re even slightly considering becoming an AI influencer
literally use this as your cheat sheet to success
this is what people are asking for
check out my YouTube and newsletter
where I break down my step by step growth playbook for TikTok
I share everything that I’ve done that has worked to grow on TikTok really
really fast as an educator