Juliet Has a Gun: Not a Perfume Review & Target Haul

Hello, friends.
Happy Thursday. I am at home.
Let the dogs out. Of course.
That’s what I’m always doing when I’m talking to y’all.
But I wanna show you this perfume.
It’s called Juliet Has a gun.
That’s the brand this one is called
not a perfume. It’s so good.
Every time I wear it, I get so many compliments like,
oh my gosh, you smell so good.
What are you wearing? They recommend.
I will link it for you.
I get the travel size cause it’s just easy to carry around with me.
I was so hot this morning,
had to put on something a little bit more lightweight.
So I grabbed this top. I just got it at target this past weekend.
It’s really good.
I love the neckline is just kind of like three quarter button.
This is the Sazon necklace.
Bag is Bearington Gifts.
And you have the option of purchasing like a matching pouch.
And it just kind of keep on my meds or anything loose in here. Lipstick,
anything like that.
But I hope you had a great day and I will talk to you later.