Dressing the Classics: A Week of Men’s Wear Inspiration

This is every image I’m living for this week.
And I can’t believe I have never done men’s wear.
When it comes to suiting and actually dress in general for men,
I tend to stick with classics.
Suiting classics
like this. Early sixties double breasted can look like this,
if we’re doing kind of dress down.
But suiting, this,
if we’re gonna be rumpled,
we’re gonna be Brian Ferry.
Sydney Portier, 1959.
This is perfection for doing jeans.
Let’s look like this. Or this with a pullover.
Or just white with winter white.
This, we’re riding a motorcycle.
This, we are on a boat drinking a Heineken.
This, we’re Brian Ferry again.
This is perfect. And I’m gonna take you out here with Sydney Claudette.
Some of the best dressing of the early sixties.
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