Title: Imagining a New New York: A Fictional Scenario of Only Allowing People From Certain Countries to Move In

So what’s your take?
Only people from other countries should be allowed to come
to move to New York. No one from other states,
only people from other countries.
That’s crazy. Yeah,
I kind of like it. We’re full.
Only people from other countries can move to New York?
Yes, certain countries.
Oh, specific countries?
Yeah. What countries?
If you’ve had to face the shame of being called a developing,
emerging global South or anything like that.
Wait, I’m imagining that.
New York City and popping. Yeah,
it might be too lit. It’d be great. And, like,
the best food. It would be the best food, definitely.
But it might be a little too lit for my.
How many carnivals? Like,
four carnivals. How many?
Like, every race gets a Juventus.
Be out till, like, 4:00am.
Which people do you want the most of?
West Indians. West Indians?
Yeah. Fill it up. Yeah.
West Indians for all five boroughs.
So, just.
Just make.
Make New York City. Yeah.
West India. Good food,
nice people, great music.
Great music. Great music.
Can the native New Yorkers stay?
You can stay if you’re already here.
We’re not like. Oh, okay,
so we’re not deporting anyone?
Yeah, but the only people that can move in. Yeah.
From other countries are from other countries.
I, I think that this is a very interesting idea.
At least, like,
five years and then see what happens.
Do you know, just imagine if all of New York was like Queens.
Instead of just Queens. That’s the way it is.
Imagine if all of New York was like Queens.
Try it for a year. The people’s borough. Yeah,
all right. I like it.