Indulging in Dining Out: A Weekend Ritual with Annie

the one thing Annie and I have never skimmed out on is eating out
yes I know that eating out is not a good use of your money
like you can make better healthier
cheaper stuff at home but we would go out on weekends specifically to eat food
like we would wake up around noon
go drive somewhere to eat
come back for a nap and then go out again for dinner to eat at a different place
we’ve eaten at a bunch of Michelin stars uh
which I didn’t really enjoy
I feel like those are overpriced and not worth it
there’s a certain price point
where you’re no longer paying for the quality of the food
or how good it tastes but rather the experience
which I don’t care a whole lot about
but yeah I don’t know if you can even call that a guilty pleasure
because neither of us feel guilty about it