Love Letters to Film: A Tribute to Movie Favorites and Obsessions

I love letterbox. I,
I’m, I’m obsessed with it.
I’m so happy about it. It feels like being in a.
In a video store again. Oh,
you guys are the cool ones.
Okay, my four favorite films.
I mean, there’s just so many.
I don’t know, of all time
in a. In the world.
If they were gonna be musical.
Oh, this is so hard.
You always get a little self conscious now cause you’re like,
what does it say about me?
It’s off the top of my head,
but I love Pulp Fiction, Boogie Nights,
Rosemary’s Baby, and The Shining. Uh,
Midnight Run, probably my favorite.
I don’t know,
it’s just something about that movie that I can always go back to.
That scene with De Niro and,
and his wife. His ex wife.
You know, that.
That scene just kills me. Watch Face Off the other day.
I love that. Alman Louise,
True Lies. I love that.
That was a good one. Nicholas Cage,
probably my favorite actor.
Jamie Lee Curtis, maybe my favorite actress.
I don’t know. Number one.
R R R. Do you know that movie?
Hell, yeah.
I’ve seen it like six times at least.
It’s the best movie. Second favorite movie.
My octopus T-shirt. Well,
I guess good night.
Okay, I thought of the movies. Network,
Boogie Nights, Blade Runner, 2001,
Harold and Maud. What about Bob?
Meet the parents? I like meet the parents.
I’ve seen it many times. It holds up.
It’s A funny family movie.
Meet the parents was my heart.
Now what’s my brain telling me?
I wanna say, like,
the first Dune. The original Dune.
The David Lynch Dune. West Side Story, Greece.
Oh, I got to put Pretty Woman in there.
Can I just put Harry Potter series, too?
Just Harry Potter series.
Lehan Maestro, which I really love.
I felt that movie never got as much as it deserved.
It’s amazing. And I’m coming in with a little midnight in Paris.
I just. It makes me so happy.
I’ve seen it about a million times.
We’re finishing it off with what I’ve watched more than anything else,
which is gotta be Empire Strikes Back.
I know I’m boring, but it’s just true.
Florida Project. I recently saw me,
you and everyone we know. And that’s kind of a new one,
but, yeah,
it’s kind of fun. I do love,
like, scores.
Easy’s cake, fear.
I love a good revenge story.
Alfonso Cuaron’s A Little Princess.
This is gonna sound weird,
but Midnight Run is the perfect movie.
No, he didn’t.
Yes, he did.
My God. Drugstore Cowboy,
Christmas Story. It’s a good movie.
Gets you in the heart. It’s a simple movie.
He just wants a BB gun. That’s all it’s about.
How about the kid stays in the picture?
Yeah. Just to get a little Hollywood insider.
I probably have more, but that’s just what comes to mind.