Friendly Bowling Competition: Getting into the Rhythm

Game 1. This is fun.
This looks fun, man.
Okay, six.
Let’s do a couple each here.
Good stuff. Let’s do three.
Three each. Got a 10 there.
Got a 10 there. This kid found the freaking rhythm.
Hmm. And I know.
I feel like I might be. It’s either I’m gonna beat that 36 or 10.
Don’t really. Oh, no.
Oh, no.
I think. I think the way to do it is kind of.
That’s already good. Okay. Alright.
Three each year. I like.
Kind of like doing it on the same side.
That. I mean, listen,
your. Your arrow freaking.
It wasn’t down the middle.
Your arrows are. Are. Are.
They got a mind of their own.
This guy’s.
See what I’m saying? Yeah.
That just kind of finds its.
It finds. It’s like.
It’s like a red shell. It just finds its little home.
There you go. There you go.
Ah. Alright,
one more round. Ah!
That’s just gonna do his last round here.
Uh. Oh.
What do you need? All tens.
Well, I didn’t get him,
so that’s good. That’ll do it.
Alright, good game.