Navigating the Maze: A Father-Son Adventure

Oh, god,
I wasn’t ready. Do,
do, do.
Follow me, dad.
I have exquisite memory. Okay,
where do we go from here?
I think up this way. And then.
And then maybe that way. That was wrong.
No, we don’t, dad.
You got it, son.
Wait, I was right.
I’m kind of right. There was a path here.
I knew it.
Yep, yep,
yep, yep, yep. Yeah.
I think one of us should go.
One of us should go ahead
just so the other one can.
I think it’s. I think it kind of wraps around this rock here. Ready?
I’m gonna pull you. Kind of like.
I’m gonna pull you if you fall. Dad.
Thank you, son.
Dad! We’re doing this, dad.
We’re doing it. We’re doing it, son.
Nothing can stop doing it, son.
If we just believe in ourselves,
we can accomplish. Then I think it goes anything,
dad. Like this.
Shut up, son.
The power.
I’m trying to concentrate.
The power of dad and son love.
I can’t remember if it was on this side or the other side.
That’s not good. I’m gonna try this side. Okay.
No shit.
Must have been this side, son.
this is okay.
Haha. Then I think it was a straight shot from here.
I could just squeal right now.
I’m so happy. Stop squealing, son.
Then we just do. We go straight at it.
We’re gonna think you’re a little fucking.
We’re gonna curve again. I’m trying straight.
At it.
Nope, nope,
nope, nope, nope.
I think it went a little. Little left.
It went a little. A little to the right,
and then it went left here.
Nope, nope,
nope, nope, nope.
I think it went further. Further this way.
Yes. Yes.
Dad! Oh!
Oh, dad!
Oh! Oh, dad!
Seems like it, son. Oh,
did we just leave? Yes.
Three, two, one, go!