Stealing for Profit: A Criminal Plan Unveiled

Get ready with me and my sister to go steal catalytic converters.
What does that mean? Basically I’m gonna have you be lookout.
I’m gonna go under the cars
and I’m gonna cut off the catalytic converters
cause there’s some type of.
Some metal that we could sell inside of them.
Are you with me for this? Yeah. Yes.
Okay, good.
Tomorrow, remember what you wanted to do?
What’s tomorrow?
Remember you told me you wanted to go to job construction sites
and steal all the copper piping?
Um, yes.
Yeah. So? Haha.
So today we’re stealing catalytic converters
and tomorrow what are we stealing?
Copper pipes. Copper pipes.
So what’s the process for that?
What are we gonna do? Um.
Sell it. We’re gonna sell the copper pipes.