Eyelash Extensions and Eye Mites: A TikTok-Discovered Skincare Revelation

I’m 40 years old and because of TikTok
I realized this really disgusting fact from an eye doctor
let me tell is it just me
or did everyone see the video
where the eye doctor immediately is responding to
why our eyes cry after we put our makeup on
and she literally says it’s because we have mites on our eyes
and the mites are eating
yeah I’m gonna let you digest that for a second
but anyways so what she recommended to do
because when I do my makeup
I always cry even more I guess there’s more mites on my left eye in the
my right I don’t know
but I always like
tear up after I do my makeup
so what she recommended that you do to try to stop this
is to put a hot compress on your eyes for at least 10 hour
not 10 hours 10 minutes a night before you go to bed
and I tried doing this but I get so restless
I have really bad add and it was just eyelash extensions
they were making them like Super Goop
and then I came across these on the TikTok shop
so these are from cornier care
and it is an eye mask and you unfold it
and it heats up and then you can just lay there
and it’s gonna provide the compress onto your eyes
but it’s not gonna be wet and damp like a hot washcloth
so you get 30 of them so this is enough supply for the entire month
and honestly I’ve been doing this like
every other day not every single night
but um
it has reduced it when I get ready
so I highly recommend trying this out
and let me know also
did you know about the mites on your eyes
and that they feed off makeup like