Skateboarding Struggles: A Day in the Life of a Dog on a Camcorder

Day 235 of trying to take a hard photo every single day all year.
So my camera for today was my JVC Super VHS digital tape camcorder,
which is perfect because only a few days ago
I ended up buying a new attachment or this camera.
I bought a wide angle lens.
It fits the vibe perfectly.
It turns my footage into this,
into something more like this.
So of course I’m doing a tape camera with a wide angle lens attachment.
I gotta do something skateboard related now.
even though I have done a few skateboard related photos already,
I’m actually not very good at skateboarding at all.
But I know someone who’s even worse at skateboarding than I am.
My dog Buddy. I really wanted to put him on the skateboard and do like
a classic skate video type of look with a dog on a skateboard.
But for some reason he was just being very difficult today
and he did not want any part of this.
after a long time of trying to get this guy to actually help us out,
we were able to get him on the board.
From that, you know how it goes.
Take the tape out of the camcorder,
put the tape into the adapter,
the adapter into the VHS player,
let the VHS player play on my TV
while it runs through an Elgato capture card into OBS,
where I export the footage,
throw it into Premiere Pro
and Choose my best few frames now.
Because he was being really difficult to work with.
It was actually hard to find something that I thought looked good,
but I work with what I got.
This video is sponsored by my YouTube channel.
Go check me out. And with that,
this is my hard photo for the day.
Let me know what you guys think down in the comments below,
and I will see you all tomorrow.