Maximizing Profits: Negotiating the Deal for the New Deadpool Wolverine Movie

We love for you to show the new Deadpool
Wolverine movie at your theater.
Millions of people are gonna buy tickets.
You’re gonna make a lot of money.
Okay, okay.
Just one catch. We want 80% of all ticket sales for the first two weeks.
80? Yep.
And after two weeks we can slowly taper down to fifty. Fifty.
Sorry, it’s my boss.
Are you freaking dumb? Just say yes to the deal.
They want 80% of all ticket sales.
Yes, I know.
I put a wire in your suit.
Anyways, 80, 50%. Whatever.
It’s fine. We’ll make our profits just from ticket sales.
It’s the concessions where we make bank.
I don’t get it. We’re a movie theater.
If we can’t make money off our ticket sales,
how do we make money?
75% of people who watch movies buy something like popcorn.
What they don’t know
is that the eight dollar bag of popcorn that they buy
really only cost us a dollar to make.
Same with our gas station hot dogs and throw up nachos.
We Mark up those prices like crazy.
So is that how we make all of our money?
Yeah. That’s also why we play the same movies for months.
We’re trying to milk everything out of people.
So be a good boy and seal the deal.
Yes, boss.
So you got a deal. Just one question.
You got a proper plus? Of course.