Divine Wisdom: Insights from Ecclesiastes and a Message of Encouragement

Hey, all my nut survivors and his surviving and thriving. So we’re gonna do some Bible study today on Ecclesiastic Chapter 7 and chapter a. God, let me to the scripture on June 20th. Amen. A lot of after midnight. Amen. So we just gonna jump right on it to it. The first thing it led me to was Ecclesiastics Chapter 8. And then I went up to chapter 7. So let’s go with chapter 8. First thing I started reading was, let’s start it. I’m gonna start it verse 9. It says, I have thought deeply about all that goes on here under the sun there, where people have the power to hurt each other. Amen. I have seen wicked people bury with honor and we see that all the time. You know, it’s always seem to be the opposite of way, the way things should be. Amen. Yet they are the very ones who frequently visited the temple and are now praised in the same city where they committed their crimes. Amen. This two is meaningless, it says in verse 11, when a crime is not punished quickly, people feel it is safe to do wrong. Amen. We see that all the time because these crimes are not being punished correctly. Amen. And, so people get the idea that it is okay, safe to do wrong. That’s what it’s saying. Okay.

Verse 12 says that even though a person sends 100 times and still lives alone time, I know that those who fear god will be better off. Okay? So that’s what I get from that is just because you see someone living long, don’t think that they are escaping the wrath of God when their time comes. Amen. Because it’s coming. You know, they have to deal with God. The fact that they lived a long time does not. It does not erase, you know, what it is that they have done that they have to give an account for it to, guy. Amen. And that’s why it says those who fear God are better off, because a lot of times these people don’t fear God. So just because they have lived a long time and you think that they have gotten away with things. Amen. And that is deception. Okay.

Verse 13 says the wicket will not prosper for they do not fear god. Their days will never grow long like the evening shadows. Amen. Verse 14 says, and this is not all that is meaningless in our world. In this life, good people are often treated as though they were wicked. And we see that all the time. It says in the wicked people are often treated as though they were good. This is so meaningless. Amen. So we see this is confirmation. This is revelation of what we already see from one on one in the world.

Amen. So let’s go on down to, let’s go up cuz I’m, it was. Hold on, guys. Hold on. Okay, let’s go to verse 17. It says, I realize that no one can just cover everything God is doing under the sun. Not even the wisest people discover everything no matter what they claim. Amen. No one knows what God is doing, okay? Except if he is downloading to you some messages or prophecies, okay? But he’s still some of you parts and not full thing. Amen. So let’s go to we crazy X6 Chapter 7 and we first 11 where it says wisdom is better when you have money. Okay, so wisdom is better when you have money. I get from that is that if you have money, it’s better when you have it, have wisdom along with that money. Okay? Because if you have money and don’t have the wisdom of what to do with money, it can go left very fast. Amen. Just like anything else in life, if you don’t have wisdom, okay, and direction from God on what to do. Amen. It says both are a benefit as you go through life, meaning wisdom. It’s a benefit. And money as well. But we don’t want to become worshippers of money. Amen. That is a tool that God gives to us to be a servant to him in the world. You know, the better I lives and to use it to help build your ministry or wherever it is that he instructs you to use the money. Amen. First 12 says wisdom and money can get you almost anything, but only wisdom can save your life. And that is true, because if you have wisdom, I can download to you what to do to escape something dangerous that is about to come your way. Amen. But yeah, I mean, money can’t tell you what to do. Okay, it’s a good thing to have, but it cannot save your life. Amen. It can’t tell you what to do. Only God and the wisdom of I can tell you what to do. Amen. To escape. So a trap of the enemy, a man or a destruction that is coming your way that only comes from God, not money. Amen. And another thing that I wanted to go over with you guys is a download that I got. Hold on. Okay, guys. So on June 9th, I got this download. I’m not sure if I gave it to you guys, but I’m gonna give it to you on this video. It’s fair.

Guy said he had to strip ways, thoughts and desires and reactions off of you. That is not of him. Amen. So that you are able to leave is she by the spirit of Christ. Amen. So if you are feeling stagnant or stuck or either, it is either because he is still getting you ready. Wait, hold on, is because he’s either preparing you, getting you ready or preparing the promise for you. Whatever that promise is, it may be attached to people that he is still preparing.

Amen. And sometimes that looks like nothing is happening. Amen. Because you can’t see what God is doing because it’s supernatural. And sometimes he may allow you to see in the spirit, hey, man, either through dreams or a vision. But that is all up to God. So be encouraged and keep trusting. And God, amen, because your faith is what is going to keep things moving in the right direction. Amen. Because you know that god will do what he said he will do, even if you can’t see it at the time. Amen. So I hope this encourages you guys. You know, we all are in different phases of our walk, but it’s still a news lifestyle for all of us. Amen. But God wants you to know he loves you, okay? And that he is there with you and he wants you to trust him, that he is fighting for you. And he is able to do over and above anything that you can thing.