Board Game Bonanza at the San Francisco Mansion: A Weekend Retreat Recap

Okay, so this weekend I am here in,
I think near San Francisco.
That’s where I flew into. And we’re at this, like,
mansion that is just full of board games.
This weekend is like a board game retreat
that’s being hosted by Cardboard Alchemy
and Lucky Duck. And it.
This plate. This house is.
It’s bananas. It’s bonkers.
Look at how many games they have.
I could climb up there like a monkey.
We got all these small box games,
all these neoprene player mats.
This door has leaves all over it.
We’ve got a bunch of pinball machines.
Look at here. This is a Lord of the rings one.
Look at that. Oh,
this is a Hobbit one. Look at these.
Okay. And we have this little goodie bag.
Okay. Okay.
Look at this. So cute little bow.
Alright, let’s see what we got.
Hold on. Okay,
so we got like a cute little letter.
And this has this cute little potion pen.
Look at that. And then this. This.
Hold on. Just hold on,
hold on. This is an apron from Critter Kitchen,
which is a game that I talked about a little while ago,
but I’m probably gonna show you again this weekend.
Um, how cute is that?
Okay, okay.
Can you just. Can you hold that for a second?
Okay, great.
Um, look at this.
This is a flamecraft dragon plushie.
It’s so cute. Look at him.
I love him. I love his little scarf.
He’s so jaunty. Okay,
hold on. Just hold this for me.
Thank you. Um,
okay, so this.
Okay, so we have an Andromeda’s Edge T-shirt.
Look at that. Okay.
Super cute. But then also.
Also we have this flamecraft shirt,
which I just love. Look at how cute that is.
I’m gonna wear that right this moment.
Okay, this.
These are like little trays that you can put, like,
board game bits in, um,
to help organize them on the table.
And then we have, um, some.
These are coasters. So we have this one from Cardboard Alchemy.
And we have. These are flamecraft coasters.
They’re so cute. Look at those little dragons.
Um, and then.
Oh, my god,
look at these bookmarks. Okay,
hold on. We’re gonna look at these bookmarks together.
Uh, if I can figure out how to open this.
Can you. Can you open this for me?
Hold on, please,
please. Listen,
listen, listen.
Okay, we got it.
No, no.
Thanks to you, by the way.
Um, so look at these.
They’re so cute. I will try to show you all of them quickly,
cause I’m going very slow.
Oh, they’re so adorable.
I love them. Uh,
and then. Oh,
and then we have some dice as well.
So I’m gonna tell you more about this weekend as it happens,
but, um,
I’m really excited to be here.
And it’s really beautiful outside.
Though I heard there are rattlesnakes.
I’m a little concerned about that,
but. I promise to try to not get eaten by one.
Okay? We’ll talk soon.