Broken Bird: A Modern Gothic Horror Film Review

this new horror film is dark
it’s surprisingly disturbing
I didn’t expect it to be and there are parts of this film that
as a parent I found very difficult to get through
my name is Ricky I love horror movies
and this is Broken Bird
so London’s fright fest kicked off with a bang yesterday
the first film that they showed was Broken Bird
and I thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed it
the film was directed by Joanne Mitchell and it stars Rebecca Calder
who gives an absolutely flawless performance in this film
and I must say it’s a very nice person too
so as you can see the movie is about a um
woman who works at a funeral parlour
she’s just got a job there and she develops a dark obsession with a local man
we see from the beginning that the mortician symbol isn’t quite all there
and throughout the movie her actions get progressively worse
that’s as far as I’m gonna go in regards to plot with this film
so I would describe this film as a modern day Gothic horror
it takes place in the modern world
but this aesthetic is very much of the Gothic nature
and it’s an absolutely stunning movie to look at
the cinematography is beautiful
it’s got really nice muted dark tones throughout the entire film
but then when we switch between reality and
shall I say not reality
we are blessed with this really bright
vibrant and picture on the screen
and it really makes us switch between reality and non reality
in a really effective way
and it can be quite jarring sometimes as well
and while we’re on the subject of jarring
this is a jarringly bleak
dark and disturbing film
Sybil does things in this movie that I didn’t expect her to do
because this is quite a funny movie
in parts of the first kind of half an hour
has quite a few laughs in it
but when this movie goes dark
it goes extremely dark
this film knows when to be funny and it knows when not to be funny
there were moments in this film that were extremely funny
so much so that people around me in the audience were all laughing
and on the complete opposite scale of that
there are moments in this film that are really shocking
I’m not normally a lover of horror comedy
but when it’s done really well
it can be really effective
and I think that Broken Bird does this very well
I have a few minor complaints with this film
I wasn’t a huge fan of the ending of this film
I think that they could have made it a bit more exciting
and I feel it was quite convoluted at points as well
there are multiple different storylines waving throughout this film
and some of them seems less important than the real me of this movie
but aside from that I thoroughly
thoroughly enjoyed this film acting was great
cinematography was great sound design was great
school was great
and I love a horror movie that sets out to say something about something
and this movie is a conversation about the nature of loneliness
it’s a movie about grief and loss
and how far we’ll go to keep that person we love in our lives
is asking us about nature versus nurture
do traumatic events from our childhood turn us into what we become as adults
and if we do go through something traumatic
does that naturally mean that we are going to be traumatic adults
because this film does center a lot around grief
it is a very heavy film one that might not be for everybody
if you suffered the loss of a child
perhaps this might not be for you
but there is something to be said about Broken Bird
in regards to the nature of letting go and moving on
but without getting too much into spoilers
I’ll save that for another video
breakabad is an excellent film
is an excellent way to kick off London’s fright fest
make sure you stay tuned because there gonna be many
many more reviews coming your way