Mastering False Eyelash Application: A Journey of Success and Growth

Good morning. Watch me master putting on an eyelash.
I did this one with like, no problem,
so now I’m gonna try to do this one with no problem.
And I wanted to show my older sister that I could do this
because she used to wear false eyelashes all the time
and like,
she would try to teach me when I was younger.
And I was like, I can’t do it. Really?
But guess what? Now really,
I can do it. So let’s get into it.
Okay, it’s drawing right now,
right? If you’re seeing this, I love you so much.
It’s kind of dry. Not as dry as I need it to be, but
the part that. Okay,
I’m gonna start putting on.
Do you see that? I did it.
I’m literally crying. Don’t ask me why.
Okay, I gotta add a little bit more glue,
but I got it on. So
the glue is there, you guys can see it.
I’m letting it dry. It’s current.
So I’m gonna start applying this.
The problem is.
OK, they are on.
They look so good.
If you guys go down on my like, um,
other videos, you can see like,
I used to struggle putting fake eyelashes on.
I used to record progress of it
and like, I’ve been practicing on the low,
so like, I’ve been doing it and I got it.
So now I don’t use a fucking filter anymore.
And Let’s go.
Okay. Shit,
I’m hype. Good morning.
I love you guys. Have a great day.
Happy Friday. Stay blessed and beautiful and pray and read Bible today.
Love you guys. Bye.