Navigating Christianity and K-pop: Exploring the Dichotomy of Faith and Music

so I already tweeted about this
but I also wanted to come on here and talk about it
because I can’t shut the fuck up about anything
but I also wanted to know what y’all think
I saw this video where this person was talking about how
God told them not to go to a TXT concert
but they went anyway and it was trouble from the start
like their moa bong fell and broke in front of a whole bunch of people
and then during the show they had like
a really bad headache and the music was too loud
and overall they just didn’t have a good experience
they couldn’t enjoy themselves
and it was because God told them not to go
and then they talk about how they knew TXT songs were demonic
and disobedience comes with consequences and things like that
so I go to the comments
and a lot of people in the comments are writing their own think pieces about how
not only do they think TXT are demonic
but Kpop as a whole is demonic
and um
please please do not take me laughing as any type of disrespect
I just don’t know how to be serious
okay but also
I grew up in a Christian house
I grew up in the church like
so I understand the Christian point of view when it comes to like
certain things in K pop as far as like
idoltry and “devil worship”
if you wanna call it that TXT does have Devil by the window
when I first got into K pop and I saw Lucifer and
run devil run I was like mmm mmm
what is this honey
no ma’am
I can’t do that I can’t listen to that
I get it but really only to a certain extent
because to call TXT like
as a group demonic
especially when certain members
have been very open about their religious beliefs
and then to call Kpop
like as a whole genre
demonic is a very it’s a
it’s a pretty far reach like
I feel like a lot of Christians who do this
call every little thing outside of God demonic
don’t have a good balance between religion and real life
and then a lot of them think that Christianity is the only religion
and is the only one that matters
and those rules are like
the rules of the world and it really don’t work that way
I can’t speak on what God told the next person
or what their relationship is like
I can only talk about my own personal relationship with the Lord
I love Him we like this
so I’m not like
saying He didn’t tell her that
or maybe that’s not what she needed
I don’t know I just don’t know that
but also there are plenty of Christians who went to see TXT
plenty of Christians who indulge in K pop
like plenty of that
and they can do that while still loving the Lord and worshipping the Lord
and not being deemed demonic
because what they have that they have
that balance what y’all think let me know