Navigating the Shift: Exploring Purpose and Potential in the Age of Advanced AI

I haven’t made a video in three weeks.
What’s up with that? Hey,
it’s Kyle Shannon with the AI Learning Lab.
Here’s what’s up with that.
Something’s going on
that is shifting how I think about what the purpose of the channel is
and what the purpose of these videos is.
Up to this point,
it’s felt very important to keep up to speed on all the tools
and what’s coming and where the capabilities are,
because the capabilities kind of sucked.
Everything was janky to the point of
you really had to pay attention to, okay,
this tool’s good at that, but not good at that.
This one’s good at that, but not good at that.
And what’s happening is that
because all the large language models caught up with GPT4,
because all the image generation models are getting better and better
and better and better, you no longer just have midjourney’s the best,
right? You’ve got ideogram 2.0 just came out.
You, you, you.
You have so many options on image generation,
you have so many options on video generation,
you have so many options on open source projects
that are getting increasingly easier to use
talking about the tools
doesn’t seem as relevant right now and maybe anymore.
So where my head is, like,
where I’ve been spinning,
what do you choose to do
when everyone is going to be good at everything?
Or what do you choose to do when you can be good?
At anything, no matter what it is,
whether it’s coding or art or music or writing
or business plans or consulting.
What if you had the capacity
and the skills to do anything you wanted to do?
What would you choose to do?
And so I almost don’t even know how to talk about that. Right.
It’s like
the new skills we’re gonna have to learn are not prompting prompt
engineering skills are not figuring out this tool over that tool.
The skills that we’re gonna have to develop our.
Like, the critical thinking,
what do we want to do? Um.
How do we want to impact the world?
And so. So when.
When I go there, it gets very philosophical.
Very philosophical. It gets very heavy.
Yeah. So what’s that.
What do we talk about? What do I make videos about?
So. So here’s a.
Here’s a. Here’s a thought for you.
If you have. If you’ve.
If you’re still watching this and just watching me
try to figure out what the fuck I’m trying to say,
if you’re still here, still listening,
let me know where your head is with this stuff.
Ask questions down below or.
Or put ideas about what you think I should talk about,
what you think I should be exploring it.
Am I totally off base here,
or is. Is there something going on?
Is this. Is there this shift we’re in the middle of?
Um. You know,
I also look at At some point here
in short order, you know, the.
The new model from ChatGPT is gonna launch by the end of the year
or the beginning of next year.
Grock 3.0 is gonna drop. Like,
we’re just. We’re gonna have multimodal beasts of.
Of platforms that can just do essentially anything for us.
So anyway, um,
where are you with this stuff?
Put it down below.
And what you think I should talk about in this channel,
things like that. So anyway,
hope this helps. It probably doesn’t,
but cause I’m in a query. I’m in a quandary.
So join me in the quandary.
Join me in this exploration.
Let’s figure this shit out together.
All right? Talk soon.