Teen Mom Star Janelle Evans Sparks Controversy With Cross-Country Move: Addressing Backlash and Responsibly Managing Family Matters

Teen mom star
Janelle Evans is under fire for moving her children to Las Vegas,
then returning to North Carolina for several weeks
and leaving them behind. So
I’m kind of getting a lot of backlash from my trip to North Carolina
because all my fans and haters noticed that
I stay there for about two to three weeks.
Well, there’s a big reason for that.
She went on to explain why Jace was with her and the others were not.
Jace came because he doesn’t start school till later.
The kids stayed because they start school.
Don’t worry, I have childcare.
My kids are safe.
And she tried to explain being gone for that length of time.
I had a court date. I had a custody court date.
But also I wanted to bring my cars back to Vegas.
So instead of having them transported for,
like, $4,000 for two cars,
I actually was like, you know what?
When I go back for court, I’m just gonna drive them back across country.
And that’s what I did. So
for everyone thinking that I was partying
or I was being irresponsible,
actually, I was being really responsible
because I got a lot of things done during that trip.