Unraveling Deceptions: A Mid-Season Review of Dexter Season 2

Dexter season 2 has been more insane than season 1
let’s do a mid season review so far
first off I cannot believe that Dexter cheated on Rita with that girl
like I can believe because he’s obviously a good looking woman
but I cannot believe he somehow has like
the emotions to cheat on her
but now I feel it’s complicated the whole entire story
cause is Rita gonna snitch on him on a living
her ex husband and what’s up with Debra like going insane now with like
the whole ice truck killer stuff
like still being in her life and like
she kind of pushing everyone away
like is she gonna go insane and turn into a killer herself
my biggest prediction so far is
I think they’re gonna think that somebody in the cops
is the one that’s responsible for being the ice truck killer
and I think they’re gonna think it’s LA Guerta
like she makes too much sense cause she even
she ended up having the new lady like
cheating on the boyfriend
so I feel like she’s everyone’s gonna know
oh she does anything to like
work her way up that maybe she’s the bad guy
I just have no idea how Dexter’s gonna get away with not only cheating on Rita
and now having a worry about Rita potentially snitching on him
but also like all the loose ends are there
is this how he’s finally gonna get caught
either way I’m about to Marathon the rest of the season
you guys are gonna end of the season review and like next post