The Anticipation for Naughty Dog’s Next Game: Quality Over Quantity

So is Naughty Dog just never giving us another game?
Like in all seriousness?
Cause it’s starting to feel like they giving off real Rockstar energy.
Fun fact in 2025, when GTA 6 comes out,
Rockstar and Naughty Dog will have officially
both released the same amount of games
in 12 years. And that number,
it’s fucking 3. Don’t get me wrong,
I understand quality over quantity.
But the fact that since 2013 y’all have only released The Last of Us,
Uncharted 4, and The Last of us part 2.
How much more quality do you need?
And no, the last of us 1 remake and last of Us 2 remasters.
It’s not enough because we already played those.
The fans want new games and these are two devs that we really trust.
These studios just get one IP and just milk that
one franchise to all be damned.
Is Santa Monica gonna focus on another game other than god of war?
Hell if I know.
Is Rockstar gonna do anything other than GTA 6 and GTA Online?
I doubt it. Back to Naughty Dog,
the main subject of this video.
Are they ever going to drop anything else other than The Last of us?
I highly doubt it. They can’t bring uncharted back.
You gave Nathan Drake his proper ending.
Bringing him back would be an obvious cash grab.
you got companies like Ubisoft who refuse to leave us the hell alone.
Say what you want about Ubisoft,
But at least they show up for us,
you know what I’m saying? Insomniac just dropped Spider Man 2,
and at least we know what they got coming next.
They got a Wolverine game coming.
It’s confirmed. It’s on the way.
Thank y’all for that.
And at least we know for a fact a Spider Man 3 is coming.
They just gave us raging and clanger.
Ripped apart in like, 2021.
So. Insomniac, Man,
y’all good. But Naughty Dog?
What the fuck you at, bro?
I ain’t worried about Rockstar.
We already know they. Whatever.
Naughty Dog, I’m gonna need y’all to get your shit together, man.
For real. So how do y’all feel?
Do you think Naughty Dog needs to drop another game ASAP?
Cause I damn sure do.