Title suggestion: Navigating the Intersection of Content Marketing, Cold Calls, and Social Selling: A Reflection on Failure and Success in Business Development

I started posting content on LinkedIn in 2018
my goal was to provide helpful content to buyers to generate more business
I pretty much failed at that goal
the post goes on to talk about how they didn’t generate more business
but they started a podcast
they’re helping all sorts of other people be more effective
and close more business
and how they’re so thankful that they can still sell their product
via cold calls and that they’re helping other people do that
but to me it sounds like they are trying to help people close more business
through cold calls versus using their content to educate their buyers
and I’d be really curious to understand
how they were taking that educational content
and connecting with perspective buyers
to actually pull them into a pipeline
because I can tell you from my software sales career
as well as many of our clients
that if you have the right content strategy
where you’re educating and then converting
it does work and while it’s great that he’s helping other people sell more
it sounds like maybe he’s educating on the wrong topics
if he wants to attract his ideal buyer
for example
we have a customer whose content strategy has allowed them and their business
to have record months for six months out of the last nine months
that they’ve been creating content
feels like it might be the strategy
and not the idea of social selling as a whole
but maybe that’s just me tell me in the comments
if you had success with social selling in the b to B space
or even the b to c space