Creepy Encounter: Being Followed by a Mysterious Car on a Dirt Road

Tell me why there is a car on the dirt road slowly following behind me.
And it’s not a ranch car.
And I pulled out my phone
and do you see them turning around?
Be so fucking for real.
I’m 260 pounds and 5 foot 9.
I can fucking take your ass.
So we’re just gonna keep the phone down
and I’m gonna be like, homegirl.
And I’m gonna start carrying a bat with me.
Still there. Yeah.
They are still behind me.
So instead of continuing on my walk,
am I speeding up?
Why is this so creepy?
can go do whatever it is they’re doing.
And I am going to slip into the gate
and get into my neighborhood.
They’re just behind
Why do people gotta be weird?