Unpacking the Impact of International Student Growth and Education Policy Changes in Ontario

She’s the reason why we have so many international students,
which is causing housing crisis in the GTA.
It’s causing mass issues in terms of funding at universities.
And now we have to deal with her in education.
Do you have a new story to duly note today?
I’m an Ontario teacher, right?
So the thing I gotta point out is Todd Smith,
I think a lot of people in education
were looking forward to a new minister
the whole summer. He’s talking about how great and excited he is.
Literally tweeted that out one day,
next day announces his retirement from politics.
That’s really rattling, I think to a lot of us,
especially because the person he’s being replaced with is Jill Dunlop.
She was responsible for the mass increase of international students
coming into the Ontario College System
because they cut so much funding from the Ontario College Program.
So she is the mastermind behind
why Ontario colleges and universities are underfunded.
She’s the reason why we have so many international students.
It’s why students at Guelph University
don’t have residents in first year.
All these things that are constantly on the minds of parents.
And now we have to deal with her in education.
That’s something that really,
really upsets me.
And I think a lot of people aren’t gonna be talking about it,
but this is something that if you are a parent,
you need to keep your eye on this
because I think it’s gonna Have an impact.
Duly noted. Duly noted.