Overcoming the Fear of Judgment: Embrace Posting Your Photography Work

newer photographers
do you ever struggle with the fear of posting any of your work
because you’re worried that it’s gonna be judged
that’s something I hear a lot from clients that I work with that um
basically they’re worried that if they start putting stuff out there
then friends or family or people who aren’t so friendly um
will look at their stuff and be judgmental
or will laugh about them behind their back
but you know how on TikTok
they’re always like hey
if you wanna post just post
like get out there and post it
who knows what’s gonna happen
what’s the worst that’s gonna happen
frankly if these people are talking badly about you
like do you really care to have them as part of your life anyway
but not this this isn’t the therapy part
the part that matters here is like
just start posting your stuff
it’s not gonna be perfect the first time
it’s probably not gonna be perfect the first 10 times
but if you are not putting your work out there
people aren’t aware that you are growing your photography
whether that’s is a photography business or a hobby
or you’re wanting to sell art prints
landscape whatever
if you’re not posting it people aren’t gonna see it
and if you’re not posting it for people to see it
you aren’t gonna have that same push to grow
as you would if people were seeing your work
so just post it and if it doesn’t get a great response
block someone reprimand your life whatever
again I’m not a therapist
I’m just a photographer and a photo coach telling you
post your work okay
cause there is room for all the beauty in the world
and I wanna see the beauty that you bring to the world with your photography
so post it