The Bewitching Tale of Eight Fingers Nine: A Spooky Forest Encounter

Take heed of the sale of eight fingers nine.
Watch well while you sleep.
You’ll die. If allow him to take a bite,
he’ll spare you your digits and quickly take flight.
But if you allow him the smallest of taste,
you’ll enter a slumber. And he made you two ways.
One finger, two fingers,
three fingers, four.
Don’t even bother with locking the door.
Five fingers gone. And next will come six.
Your flesh he devours. Your end will be quick.
Seven fingers now then.
Eight fingers now the feast.
Simple swing. The blood flows like wine.
My name is Gus Kruger. I’m a creative designer here at Not Scary Farm.
Eight fingers nine is a magical being
that is imbued with the power of the forest.
He can see through trees, through walls.
Nothing is safe from him. His victims enter sleep paralysis.
The idea that you went to sleep and everything was fine,
and now you are awake and someone is slowly chewing at you,
finger by finger, inch by inch,
just gnawing at your flesh.
I think that’s a little disturbing.
You will find yourself face to face with him,
and it might not go well for you.
One of the rooms that we’re all really excited about is the orphanage.
It’s a little creepy.
The children of the orphanage see demons in their sleep.
So they draw out what they see,
and they put the drawings all over the walls.
The props department,
a Lot of us talked about how we’ve experienced sleep paralysis.
So we put all of our ideas,
things we’ve seen in our dreams,
we drew out what we’ve seen.
You’ll see all our drawings on the board.
It was kind of cool to see them all come to life and be a part of that.
There’s a lot of depth and complexity to this,
so I have added some things
that you may not see on your first time around.
Because eight fingers nine is always watching you through the woods.
Even in the wood grain, there’s eyes drawn in as the.
The Miller Shop is an oddities shop that you’ll walk through.
And you’ll see a lot of Easter eggs from Daniel Miller’s old mazes.
A little tribute to him. We got a lot of cute, like,
taxidermy creatures that you’ll encounter.
You could be on the lookout for those.
You’ll find a lot of cool treats there.
We’re doing this in a cool,
stylized way
that makes you feel like you’re walking into a classic storybook.
I’ve been toying with the idea of creating my own boogeyman,
and hopefully
someday we get to do a kids storybook so your kids can enjoy it, too.
Fun for the whole family.
Eight fingers are tied, everybody. Brand new this year.
Are you ready for the next one?