Fashion Fantasy: Exploring the Magical Similarities Between Kith and Disney World

Kith is the Disney World of clothes.
Hear me out. When you walk into a KITH,
you’re greeted with, like,
such an amazing ambiance. Like,
visually appealing. You want to take a picture of this.
And that reminds you when you walk into Disney World,
it literally draws you in.
The, like,
you know, like,
the straight lines lead to the castle.
You like, oh,
my gosh, I gotta walk into this place.
The employees are all dressed well.
They’re so helpful. They’re like,
oh, do you need this in this size?
Oh, they’re hyping you up for stuff that you don’t even need.
They remind you of cast members.
You see them in their fly outfits. Like,
oh, I need that.
Just like Disney. You see them in that Disney, like, T-shirt.
Oh, I need that Disney T-shirt.
The experience. You’re being sold on.
Like, you literally look at the kids employees and be like,
oh, my gosh,
look how happy they are. Look how fly they are.
This is where I need to be.
Just like, Disney employee.
Don’t get me started on KITH treats.
You. You get it?
You’re all happy. Yes.
Let me take before.
I want to know who’s had kid treats and didn’t take a picture of
before they ate it. And you know what that reminds me of?
Going to Disney World and getting the Mickey Ear chocolate ice cream.
You have to take you a picture of it before you eat it.
And it’s. It’s a staple.
You can’t leave Disney without getting this or the, like,
Ice Cream Sandwich. Now, don’t get me wrong,
Kith’s curation of brands is really good,
but all the kith stuff branded just like Disney World,
you’re gonna see kith every notebook.
Stuff you don’t need, like this,
Kith’s treats, Chips Ahoy,
Ice Cream Sandwich, starter kit or maker kit,
T shirts, etc.
And when you leave kith, are you really gonna wear that Kiff T-shirt?
Like, are you really.
Like, it’s really gonna make your fit that much better,
like, in the moment you needed those Mickey ears,
but are you gonna wear those Mickey ears outside of Disney?
And this is for fun. They would have a collaboration.
All in all, I like kith,
but kith is selling the experience,
and it’s set up just like Disney.
And my only question to you, are you a kith adult?