Dancing with Darkness: A Halloween Horror Story

ها ها
come closer, my tender morsels.
Come closer so that I can see you.
Halloween has come early, my little victims.
Tonight we dance with the darkness and revel in the wrong.
You come seeking scintillating secrets,
new mazes for Scary Farm. 20,
twenty four, 2.
Choose not to be aware. Your body will be your end.
Watch well while you sleep,
or on your fingers you’ll die.
If allow him to come for a bite,
he’ll spare you your digits and quickly take light.
But if you allow him the smallest of taste,
you’ll end up slumber. And he’ll lead you to waste.
One finger, two fingers,
three fingers, four.
Don’t even father when locking the door.
My fingers gone, and next will come six.
Your flesh he devours. Your end will be quick.
Seven fingers now, then
eight fingers now the fist
simple swing. The blood flows like wine.
There’s room for everybody.
I know an old lady who swallowed a spider.
It wiggled and wriggled and tickled inside her.
Perhaps she’ll die.