The Lawrence Things: Pork Fried Rice Recipe for Mom and Brother

Let’s make a pork fried rice for mum and my brother. I’m Lawrence. The Lawrence things. Let’s go. First things first, I like to wash and measure out some rice. Now the rice needs a good wash. I’m gonna double it up. So I’m gonna use half a cup of rice. I’ll use one cup of water.

I love to buy one comes more rice. Rather have too much than not enough. You keep washing it until the water runs, Claire.

After about seven races, the alternate finally running clear. Rice is on. I’m just gonna leave it to do esting. While the rice is cooking, I’m gonna chop up some spring onion. Just try the top itself around important.

So put that in a little bowl for now. I’m gonna chop up some garlic now. Just add the garlic to your preference. I’m probably gonna use that be enough shop for quickness. I’m gonna use some frozen carrots.

One simple. I’m gonna cut up the poke now, the crackling. I’m not gonna flip that. So I just wanna take that off and then just cut the folk enter chunks. I’m not big fan of pork myself. That’s why I’m cooking something else. But I know my mom, my brother absolutely love it.

Right now, the brush is done. Let’s get it on. Let’s scan it on. I’m gonna use a little dollar of oil. I’m gonna crack in 3 x, not all Smussen Hall got me quick. I’m gonna mix that in. This has a bit like a scramble, dake. You’ll see why in a sec. Rice is done. You just wanna. So if I say. And then my tense also got missing, just mix it in that I can use this. And what much better.

Products cooking I’m gonna put in mechanic, which is so, so what? Like, so I wasn’t to use dark so I but I didn’t have it stuff. Let’s go for and then I’ve got some oyster sauce as well.

And I’m gonna mix it all in together. That’s near enough done. I’m gonna add the poke mix in. This is, they say as Method Network. Just tonight, try yourself.