The Town Crier: A Tale of Darkness and Demons

But first, with a little more information on what’s going on.
Back behind Ghost Rider is my fiend, the town crier.
All together, here we go.
Here we go. All together!
Tonight, the darkness spreads throughout the town,
from the forest to the town square.
No child is safe. Lock your doors and snuff out your candles.
Something is taking the women and the children.
What is taking the women and the children?
A creature most foul.
Not a man nor beast. Nay,
it is a demon.
Lurking in the darkness, seeking out his next victim,
upon whose flesh he will feast.
Aren’t you being a little overdramatic?
Fear me and fear the dark.
Your ignorance will not save you from your doom.
Sounds like a bunch of kids stuff to me.
Your mockery will not forget you.
It will only incur his wrath.
Your doubt only gives him power.
He thinks you’ve been reading too many scary books at night.
This cousin creature will tell you live from live.
Many have succumbed to his bite.
Many have been driven to the brink of madness
as he slowly consumes their flesh.
You who choose not to believe.
Turn it off!
Turn it off!
There’s one more child to save.
The monsters are coming! The monsters are coming!