Empowering Perspectives on Forgiveness and Healing: Why You Don’t Have to Forgive Your Abuser

Okay, so let’s talk forgiveness.
I understand totally that forgiveness is not for the other person.
It’s for us. It’s to free ourselves.
With that being said, you do not have to forgive your abuser.
If there’s nothing to forgive,
why do so? Is it gonna make you feel better
to forgive someone who isn’t even sorry?
Who doesn’t feel any type of remorse?
Who doesn’t think about walking out on his kid
and wanting to turn back the time and reverse it and make up for it?
Now, you’re supposed to forgive that.
If you do and can, hand to god,
good for you. I don’t think it’s necessary for healing,
for moving forward. Anger is a very healthy response to abuse.
If you choose to forgive, and that helps you and your heart.
God bless. I love that for you,
for my other mamas who can’t find it in themselves to forgive.
You don’t need to. You can still be the best version of you.
The best mom, the best woman,
the best human, the best sister,
the best daughter. Everything without having to forgive that dirt bag.