Discovering Chisong Tatiana Steve Obonnaya: A Personal Q&A Journey

Random questions the people have asked me over the years. Everybody, like I could say it now. And in some words, someone comes and say, what is this? So I want you to come back into these videos so you get to know me more.

No. 1, what is your funeral? Like I said before, my name is Chisong Tatiana Steve Obonnaya. No. 2. How old are you? Okay, I was born on February 15th,1999. So 20,24-19,99 equal to 25 years old. No. 3, where are you from? I’m from any good states? Am I familiar with? Am I still familiar with it? You have to answer that question because no, I don’t know what chance are they. So I’m probably good speak. Okay.

No. 4 question says where you might and might. This is the best blessed man from Adia State. So yeah, that’s where my hobby is from me. Yeah, that’s my baby. And that’s where I think I’m from now. Yes, I’m from Adia City. You will find. Saya sih how long nggak syuting aksen? Oh oke i dprd aksen. Voting fifteen iya. But before then, I used to be a wrong way model. That was something that I had passion for. Thoughts. The movie just came like that, too. I like, I didn’t plan it. I have never in my life seen myself in an act. So. Right. I like to act. Of course, when we’re doing all those kids drama, I like to be all the stuff starts then. Well, I never knew that I would be, there would be a time way out and have to a pair in camera. No, my thing was my thing was then I’m trying to show off this new fashion styles to get what it just happened. And then I am an actor and I love to be an actor, of course.

No. 6 question is, what are your hosts? Okay, my hobbies I have, I love to read. I love to read historical books. Everything about history. I love it so much.

Second one is I like to cook. I love to cook. Like I like to try new recipes. No.3, of course, acting. Maybe that’s why manactor. And what this weird one. If you laugh, you meet me. This is very shameful. What I just have to say, I love to sleep. I don’t want to go anywhere. I just want to lie down and sleep. Guess what this is going to be back to so many years ago when I went to a nice Jew, my cousins, like the past was not ending demonstration. I felt sleepy and then I climbed. I didn’t know I knew that, but that was the most comfortable place for me. I saw myself flying down on this peak class. I notice I was not. I. hahahaha, i fell on the floor and entire of that hotel i welcome to people taking me from the ground i give me my body doesnt ever。 ไล่จากpasseryอ๋อpaxengionddounk sol กะศพเหยียดหนูมาแสนคนที่โชว์. I could cry now or I could smile, I could eat, I could be hungry. But in everything that we do, or more eye, more sleep, it doesn’t matter. Like I don’t care what is the situation at hand, what’s sleep is a must. So No. 7 questions is watch your favorite meal. Okay, before now, I used to love veins so much. So I don’t know, I think this thing is a thing with my dad and I, who don’t like things anymore. He made me like things. Sports. Now we don’t like it anymore. So I like plantains, eggs and pack. Yeah, No. 8 is if you weren’t an actor, what would you be? Of course I said it, a super media flipping my hair. No, No. 9 question says, how do you react to critics and trolls? Hello. Like two face rightly said, if nobody talks about you, there you are no body. Of course, who are minor Kubawu would be me. Would you know me if they don’t talk about me? Of course not. I need those throws. I need the critics. That’s what makes me, that’s what like, please talk more your. Of course.

So said, why did you normally, so she said, this was all of you. You can talk about this. So yes, I love, see, I love the trolls. I love them trolls very well. So, okay, No. 10 question says, do you miss your siblings?

哈哈, no you decide that be you for me like if you text all of question is that miss which i miss is my daddy lang chain。

That one, that job always means less things for me. I don’t catch it here. No fest you come us. Okay, let’s where is this team is in the car and she’s very sure is not in the car, too. Remember where she kept it? Stanley National Combat System. I’m sorry, I don’t know where I kept it. Tower is ichidera now at least I can buy biscuits.

No easy fates that just stole all my clothes. She will steal it. I should tell me she bought it in the year. So yeah, when she was in school. That’s guilt. Traumatized me. She traumatized me. So these three years.

Please, I don’t miss them. I don’t miss them. I don’t miss them. No, I don’t miss them.

No question. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. We have a question. One thing people don’t know about you, I don’t like to go out.

I love the comfort of my home so much that if you give me data, there is lights and there’s a comfortable place for me to, of course, sleep. I don’t go anyway. I don’t like to go anyway. And this thing has actually affected my friendship a lot of people because of you, like, and she does not come to our house. I’m sorry.

It’s not from a place of being proud or anything. No, I’m not. A good question is just my nature. I was a wish to good people that I was like we grew up because I have plenty sibling. So we’re used to being each others friends. So we don’t need to go out.

So I’m always in Jones. And the second thing that you don’t know about me is I am very strong. Fortune says what? Can you never be caught doing in secret? Speaking my nose. How do people do that? How do you so like, how do you feel? We nothing.

I don’t do that mean even when I’m alone, you cannot see me, see my hand in my nose. It’s tacky. I can’t do it. Etsy and you can never catch me.

Alright, let’s be down. There is 15th. Question. What’s your advice to the young people out there? Of course, I’m still young, but I would advise that you stay put and whatever you believe, keep your dreams alive. Don’t give up. First, every success needs consistency. So if you have to make it, you have to be consistent about never you were doing anything in this way.

You want you to keep it going, keep going same. Like it’s not working, it’s draining sometimes, but just keep going and then don’t be desperate because you want to get something.

You don’t have to go the wrong route to get for her. You can get anything you want legally. And all you need is just to be consistent. So don’t be desperate and carry yourself, have this charisma. You shouldn’t be everywhere. Do you understand? Usually me every way, like carry yourself like a queen that you are.