Disappointing Remake: A Review of The Crow at AMC Theaters

so I just got back from seeing the Crow at my AMC theaters
and I’m gonna be honest with all of you
this movie is not good now
here’s the thing I feel like a lot of people were going into this movie already
with a negative outlook on it
for many different reasons
more specifically because it’s a remake
quote unquote of the 1994 original film the Crow that starred Brandon Lee
that’s a classic in of itself
so this remake
or this new reimagining of the Crow really had no chance matching up to that
but I was at least hoping that there at least be one thing in this film
that at least would be pretty darn good
and unfortunately what I got here after seeing the movie
there was nothing really all that memorable
all that enticing and just overall all that exciting
it feels like a very mediocre
to shallow to kind of really bad film overall
if there’s one thing
at least in this film that I could say is actually pretty decent
it’s the action
and the visceral nature and the brutality of some of the big action sequences
a lot of the stuff that Bill Scarsgard is made to do
as far as fighting all the different baddies in here
I think it’s pretty good
it’s very gory compared to what it was with the original film
but still if you wanted to at least see something
at least a nod to the original film
or at least a nod to the comic or any
like specific things that you could point out to that are
like real big things that people would remember
you’re not gonna find that in this remake of the Crow
there’s just nothing in here that I feel like will really stand out to you
even if you’re a huge Crow fan
I feel like all the Crow fans in general
are just not gonna see this film on principle
but even then if you were going into this with an open mind
like I was we were at least hoping that
at least there was something there that this movie could give you
and unfortunately I don’t think we really got that
I really believe now that I’ve seen the film
compared to all the other films that I’ve seen in 2024
this is definitely in the conversation for the worst film of the year
I feel like Borderlands is the one that’s actually the worst film of the year
but still with this one
it’s just there’s a lot of stuff that I feel like there’s pacing issues
there’s a lot of story stuff that I feel like people are just not gonna care for
obviously with this being a reimagining or remake of the original Crow movie
some of the characters are a little bit different
I don’t know if certain characters are pulled directly from the comics
I just again
I wasn’t recognizing any characters in here that I could really remember
that were in the original 1994 film
like there’s no top dollar
there’s no kind of like
you know any of the baddies that we can remember from that actual movie
it feels like we only really got Shelly and also Eric Draven
who is the Crow himself and Bill Scarsgard
to his credit he does what he can with this role
he again
he’s very I guess you can see there’s a
there’s a lot of goth vibes in here
but not really feeling like there’s actually true goth vibes
where I feel like the movies trying too hard to be like
a certain way
to that particular type of crowd or that particular type of culture
with the whole tattoo stuff
with a lot of stuff involving drugs and other things in here
which may or may not work for some people
but again the brutality and the visceral nature of some of the action
and the violence in this film
I feel like it’s probably the only thing that really stands out here
that being said does the film itself
apart from the original film and anything else involving the Crow comic
does at least stand alone as a film
I don’t really think so
I don’t think that a lot of people are really gonna enjoy this
I feel like the pacing is very slow in the beginning
and when things start to really happen
we start to get involving with like
the different crows stuff
and even though just mean baddie who’s not top dollar
it’s just some other character that involves like
controlling other people
I feel like just people aren’t really gonna care about this
or they’re not really gonna connect with it
it’s not gonna be exciting for them
it’s not really gonna stand out to them
in a way that’s really gonna be memorable
by the time they walk out of the theater
so I feel like if you could get this movie on a cheap
like as far as a mad name
go see for like five bucks or something at AMC Theaters
maybe you’ll enjoy it but if you really can’t
again I don’t really think I can recommend this film
and honestly that’s really disappointing to say
because I at least was going into this with an open mind
I was really hoping that
at least I would walk out of this somewhat satisfied from what I saw
and by the time the credits rolled
and on top of that by the way
there’s no end credits or there’s no post credits with this
so I don’t think that this movie is going into like
franchise territory or anything
but by the time that we reached the ending
which I felt was very weak in comparison to what the original film was like
there was just nothing here for me
and I was like you know what
I feel like I wasted my time with this
but anyway those are my thoughts
about the new remake or the new reimagining for the Crow
let me know some of your thoughts about this movie down below
in the comment section you gonna watch this movie in theaters over the weekend
do you think it’s actually somewhat decent if you’ve seen it already
or do overall do you think that this was a waste of time
and they probably should have never actually remade the Crow in general
tell me your thoughts about this down below in the comment section
and of course as always
make sure you follow me on here for more great content