Living by Faith: Embracing Transition and Trusting God’s Purpose

The reason god uses transition
is because transition exposes our hearts
to the loyalty that we have to comfort and convenience.
God asks you to do something that you’ve never done before
because god wants to see
are you more obedient to your preferences or his purpose.
Because transition says, you can’t just talk faith,
you gotta walk faith. And if we could just go another level.
A lot of people are walking by faith,
but the next level is living by faith.
The Bible says, the just shall live by faith.
In other words, walking by faith is circumstantial,
but living by faith is come hell or high water.
Because if you live long enough,
you’ll learn soon enough that not every chapter of your life
is going to be a Mountain Top experience.
There are some chapters in your life that are absolute nightmares.
Divorce, foreclosure, delays, detours, depression,
anxiety, cancellation,
not getting the contract. But living by faith says,
I’m not going to jump ship just because the chapter got bad,
but I’m going to lean on god
and allow god to show me the lessons in life’s difficulties.
This is why who you are connected to is extremely important.
Because if their faith is not at the level of your faith,
they will talk you out of what god has told you to walk into.
You gotta be convicted by the dream
and the vision that god has given you.
Because anytime you are about to walk Into something new.
You gotta have the power to walk away from something old.
So this is my prayer for you while you in transition.
God, I pray that you would give my brother,
my sister clarity.
For wherever they are in their life.
That they would have the boldness to walk out of what was old
and into something new.
That you would give them the strength and the courage
to only do what you have called them to do. Amen.