Grounded: A Story of Simple Advice and Emotional Connection

Couple weeks ago, I was like,
it was a lot for me and I wasn’t.
I wasn’t doing too great and I was like,
you need to go outside and I want to.
You to put your feet on the grass and the dirt as stupid.
Yeah. She was like,
your feet need to touch ground, mom,
your feet need to touch ground.
They’ve been.
They’ve been touching the inside of your house or the plane or hotels.
They need to touch the actual earth. Stupid.
I don’t wanna do this. And I’m like,
going outside, like,
taking my shoes off, like,
so mad, haha.
Like, okay,
my feet are in the dirt. I’m getting emotional because.
I know. Me too.
It’s so stupid. No,
it’s not stupid at all. Yeah,
it’s amazing. It’s because,
you know, like,
when you have those moments
when the people who know you best give the most simple advice,
and that’s. That’s so far removed from what we face most of the time,
which is the people who know us least
trying to complicate the fuck out of it.
I wanna kill, like, yeah,
I just. I can’t.
I’m struggling. I can’t do this right now. So.
So that was. That was advice that I will remember when things are.
Yeah, man,
bit too much grass is crazy.
Also, I’m allergic to grass. Found that out after.