Title: The Brutal Reality of Football: A Call to Arms for Mental and Physical Preparedness

good day good morning
good morning
how y’all doing? good
football is a war
y’all the army
you know that right
do you really know that
it’s war
voilent, physical
you can die
y’all know that
speak up
it’s serious out here
you understand you could die playing this game
so your mind gotta be right
you gotta be physically ready to play this game
you can’t be tired
you gotta have the energy to go out there today
to do this thing the right way
that mean you gotta recover the night before
that mean you gotta do it again the next day
the next play the next week
are y’all prepared for that
so I asked y’all
where do y’all wanna go as a team
where y’all wanna go
what’s the goal
everybody got the glamour and glitz
everybody’s got good cafeteria
nice uniforms
you know even got hall of fame coach
everybody got all the same stuff
so what’s separating y’all
what’s making y’all different
wanna tell a little secret
you gotta go take what you want
it’s war
how you gonna win war
you gotta go take it right
I told you it was war right
you gotta go take it right
they ain’t gonna just let you come in there
oh y’all can win y’all can have this
they ain’t gonna lay down
they not gonna lay down young men
not the first week not the second week
not the third week
not the last week
not in the national championship game
not gonna lay down
you gonna go through some stuff in life
finish my thought
you gonna go through some stuff in life man
iron sharpen iron if you know anything about that
you know that it’s going through some brutal stuff
you probably heard the story countless amounts of times