Unpacking Nicole’s Interview: A Detailed Recap of Love Island Drama and Betrayal

Hey, guys.
So Nicole was on the ball parks yesterday,
and I recap the whole interview
so you don’t have to waste your time watching it.
And it was long and thick,
and I have four pages of notes.
Let’s go. Now,
before I start this, let me just say a word of advice to Nicole.
Stop talking, girl,
she is so adamant that she did nothing wrong,
and she doesn’t realize that what she’s doing wrong is talking.
She does not realize how much more attention
she has brought to this video situation
by talking about it. I don’t think she grasped the idea that this video,
she has no place or right to talk about it.
Like, yes,
the situation affected you,
but she is. No,
she doesn’t even realize that this is not her story to tell.
Like, she is literally so blind to that.
Anyway, let’s get into the motherfucking interview.
So it starts off with, like,
her talking about her past relationship.
And I think on Love Island,
we’ve seen a lot of her saying, like,
I had a really bad relationship.
Like, I’m always pick the wrong guy.
I pick really bad guys. But we didn’t know any context,
so she did get into some context.
So basically, she was in a seven year relationship.
She been with the guy since she was 15 years old.
In her sophomore year of high school.
Sorry, college,
she found out that he was cheating on her.
With her best friend
that she found out he was cheating with multiple other women.
He was emotionally and physically abusive,
and he was a huge liar. So what
I will say that based on this interview,
it seemed like she has a lot of trauma regarding lying.
Like, she is very triggered by lying
because her ex lied to her a lot.
She said she thought he could change,
and he ultimately never did.
Now, right before coming to the show,
she had a one year relationship with,
she said a guy who bounces the ball for a living.
So I’m guessing a basketball player or a coach or whatever.
He said that he had just ended a one year relationship,
and then she applied for the show.
Did say that she’s proud of herself for standing up to a man,
because she was near never able to do that before.
So post ask her to paint a picture of, like,
what happened when her and Kendall got out of the villa.
She gives a little story time.
She says they get out of the villa,
they had two nights in a hotel.
One night with their phone,
one night without their phone.
The first night they didn’t have their phone.
She said that she was shooting press,
and she got back to the room around 9 p M.
And Kendall told her, like,
you need to sit down. He needs to tell her something,
and that it’s bad She said that you said my nudes got leaked?
She said that she instantly felt super horrible
because it could have happened to any of them.
Like, we’ve all sent a picture to an ex,
all have new. So she said she felt really,
really bad for him,
so that he showed her a screenshot of the end of the video.
And if you’ve seen the video,
then you know the end of the video is just his Willy Wonka.
But she didn’t see the context
or the room or anything else in the video.
So that’s when he told her,
you know, I sent it to an ex that I loved and trusted
and violated my trust and leaked it.
She said that the cast was actually the one that kept asking her, like,
are you okay? Are you okay?
And she kept saying, like,
I’m okay, I’m just worried about.
Kendall did say that the producers that told her,
like, when they give her back her phone,
that her friends wanted to check on her
and that they had deleted some messages from her phone
so she wouldn’t see them. That the next day,
Janae again asked her if she was okay.
She said she was fine and that Janae asked if she had seen the video,
and she said, no,
she just seen a screenshot
and Janae actually showed her the video the when she seen the video
because she had been staying in Kendall’s room.
The First thing that she noticed was the hotel room.
She said she dropped to her knees and lost it
because he had told her that it was from a long time ago.
She did say that she doesn’t care what the video was like,
she doesn’t care about the context,
that she’s really hung up on the lie.
Say that she was pissed at him.
She got her own room for the night,
and they didn’t have much time to talk about it
because they had a lot of press and stuff going on.
She said they went to universal,
they didn’t really speak,
but they were able to catch up two days later in LA
and finally talk about it.
She said that the show actually wanted to record the conversation,
and she said, no,
film the conversation. Shady,
he said that he admitted to lying,
and he’s told her that he couldn’t tell her the truth
because he feared that if he did tell her the truth,
that she would leave him and judge him.
Said he couldn’t tell her the truth in the moment
because his whole world was crumbling,
which that is very valid. Like,
I totally understand why Kendall lied.
So that. He went on to say that he was bored in the hotel room
and sent it to a girl on Raya.
He did say later on in the interview
that she doesn’t believe that he sent it to a girl on Raya.
She Said that she believes that he sent it to somebody
that he was actually talking to before the show,
that he trusted,
and the person got upset once they seen him on the show and leaked it.
She said that she would much rather it have been to someone he trusted
than just a stranger. She does say that it’s a fuck situation
and he shouldn’t have to go through it,
and that she’s not shaming him,
that she’s a person and she deserves respect,
bare minimum, she deserves his honesty.
And the host does say, like,
you know, when people lie,
they lie out of a place of shame.
And she goes on to say that he’s lied about other things,
and he allegedly lied about, like,
the whole club altercation situation.
I think the lie was that he told her that,
that they were surrounded by friends and family in the club that night,
and there were actually girls in the section.
He said that he never really, like,
kept her in the loop about anything.
Like, she said that she just saw the two girls on his story
and she screenshot it to him,
and he basically was like,
don’t you know what’s going on?
Like, I had to invite those girls to the section to, like,
and beat these racist allegations.
Like, I had to invite them to the pool party.
And she had no idea, like,
what was going on or what he was talking About.
So she said he, like,
wasn’t keeping her in the loop of things.
She didn’t want to have to teach him how to be a boyfriend
or how to act
or how to tell him how to act when he’s in a relationship.
She does say that the leak was awful.
However, she is affected by his actions,
whether he wanted it to get leaked or not.
And I don’t honestly know what she means by that.
Like, yes,
the situation affected you in some way,
shape or form, and people wanted to know what you thought about it,
in your opinion on it. But
I really think she is very clueless to the fact that
this is not her story to tell.
This is not her place to talk about it.
So she literally says he has to understand he did this,
and she’s taking a lot of heat for him.
She did have, like,
a very awkwardly weird smile on her face the entire time.
I was like, is she, like, nervous?
Is this nervous? Laughter.
But she definitely had a big,
big smile and, like,
laugh the whole time. Does say that.
She does say that he’s stood up to other allegations against him,
but never stood up and spoke the truth about them.
To say, I lied to Nicole.
It’s rough right now, I guess.
Like, she basically said that on the reunion as well.
You guys have to remember,
this interview was filmed after The reunion was filmed
but before it aired, if that makes sense.
She said that she basically
doesn’t trust anything that comes out of her mouth.
And if lying is a deal breaker for you,
then leave him. And I think that a lot of us are in sent
lying isn’t a big deal because everybody’s been lied to,
you know? But what I will say is
she seems very triggered by lying because of her ex.
She actually in one part of the interview
said that Kendall reminds her of her abusive ex
that she was with for seven years
with how he lies.
She says, I get that people lie,
but I haven’t lied to him about one thing.
And how many chances do you give someone
after they show their true colors?
She said that because they’re coming out of Love Island
and because they live in different states,
trust and honesty, they need it more than usual.
And she’s conflicted on how long to trust that he’s being honest now
and now showing his true self.
The interview really seemed like she was ready,
ready to throw in the towel.
She just didn’t know how to do it.
It really gave that she doesn’t trust Kendall.
She doesn’t believe that he’s this person
that he’s presented himself to be.
She doesn’t know how to end the relationship,
but she don’t have to worry about that
because after this interview came out,
Kendall ended the relationship post Did ask where Kendall’s head is at
and she said that Kendall hasn’t fully owned up to it.
I don’t like.
Own up to what? Like,
what does she want him to own up to?
Like, cause he’s owned up to the lie.
So you want him to own up to the video?
Like, yeah,
it happened, I did it,
it was before you. Like,
I’m not really sure what she means by this,
but. So that Kendall keeps going back to, well,
I didn’t want this to happen to me,
and you can’t blame me for being in the worst position of my life.
Like, literally.
She should not be placing blame on Kendall at all.
I don’t think she gets that.
Like, this whole interview gave like,
I’m right, I know I’m right,
he’s wrong, and I’m gonna talk and speak my truth.
I feel like she can speak her truth
without referencing the video and the details of it.
She says, I get it,
I feel for him, but she wants him to own it,
even though it’s a fucked up thing.
Nick did say as the host, he said that when he interviewed Kendall,
that he presents as someone he not.
He isn’t truly.
She said at this moment,
they only talk occasionally because she’s been so upset.
Says the trust is broken and it’s hard to get back.
She doesn’t care about the context of the video,
she’s just upset with how he handled it.
She’s healing from the mistrust
and that every time she talks to Kendall,
he responds with her needing to give him Grace.
Which girl? Yes,
you need to give him fucking Grace.
Also said that she feels like
Kendall doesn’t have any respect for what she’s going through. Again,
I don’t think she realizes that
she’s making this whole thing about herself, like,
cause what are you going through
that outweighs what the fuck he’s going through?
I, I don’t think she realizes that.
And she said that she wanted it to be known
that Kendall didn’t start reaching out to her
or texting her or checking on her
or trying to make things right
until after he seen that she was posting on Instagram.
Said that Kendall did know that she was going on this podcast
and he asked her not to talk about the lie or the reunion,
which she’s doing. And
she said
that he allowed a narrative to be painted about her character
and she’s not okay with it.
And I’m not really sure
what narrative Kendall allowed to be painted about her.
Did say that she was fearful that the cast was gonna take his side
and be mad at her for speaking out about this. Again,
I don’t think she realizes the severity of, like,
speaking out about this publicly and kind of telling his story for him
when he hasn’t even given interviews on this.
But she says she needs to put herself First,
and she deserves better than this,
but she does wanna be there for him.
She did say that she was hoping he would do more
after hearing the interview
to get a better idea of her perspective.
He broke up with her the day this podcast aired,
so yeah,
that’s the recap. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.