From High School Musical to TikTok: My Journey at the Arts Centre Melbourne

Sometimes I wonder how my job is real.
I was walking through this hallway with a friend
while doing a musical at the Arts Centre Melbourne.
And my friend Tori was like,
can’t help but think of that scene from High School Musical 3.
And then I went, Tori,
you’re a genius. So I egged on the venue for three more days and I said
we should recreate Scream,
High School Musical 3. And I’m thinking
somebody should just film it on their phone
so I can use it for content.
The art centre booked a filmographer.
TikTok removed the sounds
and now it’s all my Instagram if you want to see the real one.
But now I get some kind of voice over it. I’m kicking down,
I’m up my own thing. Hope this works so bad. I’m gonna scream.
Damn. Alright, that’s enough.