Title: The Importance of Analyzing Your Content Performance for Growth and Success

Alex, I made 100 pieces of content
and no one ever says this cause no one even does it,
but like, I made 100 pieces of content in a row.
And you look at the videos and it’s just them selfie style.
And they click post and they never look at any of the past videos.
They said, see,
I did post it a hundred times.
And you’re like, did you look at which ones did better?
Cause if you post, 101 will have done better than the other hundred.
That’s just math.
And so then you look at what was different about that one
and you say, okay,
how can I do more of that?
And what was the one that got the least amount of views?
Okay, how can I do less of that?
And then you do that for the next hundred.
Now you have a feedback cycle.
You just need to start have a feedback cycle
so you get better and then not stop.
And if you do that on a long enough time horizon,
you win. So it’s not just about doing every day you have to do,
but you have to get better.
And so if you’re not taking the time to say, okay, well.