The High Priestess’s Insight: Navigating Relationships and New Beginnings

You and two others. So this could be third party situation. This could be you, a twin flame and a soulmate. This could be a polyamorous situation or this might not be your reading at all, and that’s okay. But let’s have a look at your energy at this moment in time.

Your energy. We have got the high free staffs person No. 1, spirit, what can you tell us about person No. 1, please? What can you tell us about person No. 1? What we need to know. We have got five of cups and then person No. 2. What do we need to know about person No. 2? Please? We have got Queen of pentacles.

It’s really interesting how I’ve placed the cards today. Normally, I have them all placed in a straight line, but for some reason, I was very guided to place them this way. And as I look, I see that yours feels very elevated. And as you are showing up as a high priestess, it puts you in a place of knowing and a place of power. It is almost as if you have an overview of what is happening around you, a very clued into the energies. So the High Priestess, she is known as Queen of the heavens. And she has her finger on the energetic pulse of the universe, the two pillars that surround her are talking about strength and stability. And we see on the illustration the letters B and J. Originally, these were Hebrew words, but in translation, they would be talking about beginnings and endings. The High Priestess has actually come out quite a few times this week in our collective readings. And it’s very much a card of being passive, of not taking action, of simply listening to your intuition and allowing the universe to have all things play out for you. The way that the cards are placed and the hierarchy that we are being shown here is that you are truly putting yourself on the pedestal.

Person No. 1 may be really struggling at the moment. We can see with these three cups that have been spilled, this is talking about disappointment and grief, being in a place of mourning. And it’s interesting because that is all they see at this current moment. However, right behind them are these two magnificent cups. And I don’t know if you can see it, but on this particular deck, they have even illuminated them. Traditionally, these two cups show that not all is lost. In fact, the way that I read it is the best is yet to come.

My own personal interpretation of these two cups also relate to the two of cups within taro, which is very much talking about a divine connection. So from this person’s perspective, they may know that there is some sort of divine connection, and yet there is also this feeling of loss or of letting go at this current moment in time.

Person No. 2 is in a much more stable position here with a queen of pentacles. Now, if potentially this is a third party situation that it feels like this person has absolutely no knowledge of it. They have this very grounded, secure feeling around them. This is someone who is very caring and nurturing. It has mother Energy to it. Let’s pull some more cards. So your energy, we have the king of swords, person number one’s energy. We have the chariot, and person number two’s energy, we have the Queen of cups. It’s interesting because all of these are very high level cards showing up, the major arcana and court cards. Remember when I said, I feel like you have truly put yourself on the pedestal, the king of swords really represents that to me, too, is talking about being very logical and cutting away all people, all places, at all things that do not serve the direction that you are going to be moving in. This is the ability to be very direct and forthright with others. And this also suggests that you are being highly disciplined at this moment in time, even though that might be difficult. The combination of these two cards show that there is an absolute decision and knowing in what direction you are heading.

Person No. 1, now we had spoken here about a divine connection with these two of cops. The chariot card can also indicate this as we have the two opposing forces, the divine feminine and the divine masculine.

Now the chariot card is all about moving forward and sheer mindset. We can see that from the illustration. These are not simply horses, but they are actually unicorns, something that is incredibly rare. And I believe that they know that this is a rare connection. But what’s interesting is that these unicorns are not on their feet. They are also in a place of stillness. However, I feel like this stillness will not last for long.

The chariot card is a card of fast moving energy. I believe that this person is gathering their thoughts, building their mindsets and trying to figure out how to move forward in the background, we can see the pyramids, and we see the sun at the top of this pyramid. How interesting that we would see that today with this being the solstice. We know that these ancient peoples would build monuments that would time with celestial events and we see here. And we also see her here in the summer solstice holds a particular significance as it marks the rising of the star. Serious, this might be significant for those of you that remember other lifetimes, either some Egyptian lifetimes or perhaps connected to the star Sirius, the second person. I had said earlier that it felt like very motherly energy. The Queen of cups is absolutely that. She is one of compassion, full of love, one of her lesser aspects is that of self sacrifice. Whoever this is, it feels like they have a very sweet nature.

Let’s try and pull one more card for each your energy. We have the full person No. 1, we have the king of Pentacles. And person No. 2, we have the fool.

That is so interesting. There are new beginnings, a leap of faith, travel that might be happening, spontaneity. Both of these decks are created by the same artist, but can we see that the Fool cards have quite different energies in both? This one here has a happier outcome. There is freedom and joy, and definitely has this essence of moving ahead. Whereas this one here, their new beginning, it is truly like they do not know the outcome. And, I feel potentially like this person is completely unaware of a new beginning that they may be going to experience at some moment. I only get 10 minutes on this app, and so I need to wrap it up rather quickly. But I feel like these new beginnings are to do with this person. No. 1, there is something very significant about a commitment that they may make.

Of course, this is a collective reading. And as I had said earlier, this is not meant to resonate for everybody. So please always listen to your own intuition. If you would like your own private reading, then there is a link in my bio. Two same day readings and one on one zoom calls. These absolutely magnificent cards are listed here and a link can be found within my bio. Wishing each of you a very blessed solstice.