Betrayal Beneath the Surface: Unraveling the Scandalous Tale of a Marriage in the Spotlight

hey I just heard
I came straight from the office
where is it
it’s right here
it’s shameful is what it is
I couldn’t hear you on the phone
you were a little hysterical
what does it say oh
it’s just a front page spread
an exposay on my marriage
with me on the cover of some charity gala that looking like haggard rice pudding
and the florist clearly posing for a picture in her finest airbrushed
yeah and then it lists the entire timeline of Michael’s affair
and then poses a question at the end
about me being some rich white lady that ignores her man
and just sits in a big house in Connecticut eating Bon bons
not a word and I’m far too slim to be accused of eating bonbons right
who wrote it
that barren Old Crow Alice Wallace who goes to our club
I wanna know how someone like Alice Waters
gets up in the morning and faces herself in the mirror
knowing that she’s profiting off of someone else’s misery
you’re quiet
I mean it’s just so shocking
now not only do I have to deal with this mess at home
I have to worry about going to erewhon and people in the supermarket saying
oh look
there’s that wife that can’t keep a man
Megan I mean
as if this couldn’t get any worse
Megan it’s my fault
what do you mean I was having lunch at the club with an old friend
and we were just talking but I think Alice was sitting next to us
I I thought she was working
I didn’t think she was eavesdropping
what but wait
but all of these details you were telling someone all of these details
well the
the whole thing is just so shocking
I was just venting and but my friend has not told a soul
what does that matter
the post is told everyone now
so you were gossiping about me
no I was exclaiming to an old friend how horrible husbands can be
well yes
I guess in a wide description
I I was
I was gossiping I’m sorry
you know what what was it you said the other day Sylvia
you said that in every relationship
someone betrays the trust
I thought you were talking about Michael this is so much worse
you still here